Shadows of Life

Last night I asked, “What is the date that my husband knows about?” I dreamt of seeing someone’s Tumblr conversation about a book called “Shadows of Life”. I didn’t read the conversation. At the end, someone else sarcastically said, “Oh, look. You’re reading the Shadows of Life” book, as a jab at the other person.

I then was reading a poem about the book.

(From Sept. 11, 2018 Look Like Relatives)

I asked about the voices (have talked to Ali since he was little). I dreamt that I was looking through eyes which I thought were the old man’s from Kundalini Yoga Live videos. This person was walking on a stage from the back with a transparent screen in front of them. There were lots of people here to do yoga. When this person didn’t start talking, and the people below weren’t paying attention to this person, I realized that it was me.

They started doing yoga but then they were goofing off and not taking it seriously. I left.

I dreamt that a woman was looking at my left big toenail. She started to take off the last of the top layer (it stops growing and grows a new one underneath. The right one has only done it once or twice before.) I tell her that it happens a lot. She eventually gets the layer off. I see multiple layers and don’t remember if I mentioned these to her or not.

I dreamt of a young couple (30’s?) with 6 or 7 young children. There is also an older man there. They are at a park (?). She is sitting in the back / trunk of the car (like a station wagon / hatchback) looking out.

She and her husband don’t get to spend a lot of time together. The old man stands between them and us (me and another woman, hispanic(?)). This woman next to me, on my right, overweight, asks the older man if it’s biological, meaning the young couple.

He doesn’t answer, or does he say “no” ? She’s disappointed. I want to ask what she means, but don’t in case she is referring to incest.

The wife is overweight. The couple have sex for about 5 minutes and then the older man moves, revealing the couple.

I dreamt of a girl crossing a street, coming to my side, but over to my right. There are two other girls still across the street. The girl on my left, from across the street, is singing about love to the girl who is crossing, as if they know each other. They look like sisters / relatives but may not have been. The girl on my side looks back at her but doesn’t react.

I dreamt something about being in a church.

I dreamt that the cats friend was outside laying down with them.

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