
I asked, “Do I need to have children from Ali?” I dreamt that Briana had taken a picture while on the road of some small pillars (?) with what looked like an outline of a dog’s face on them. The picture was blurry from rain but clear enough to see what it was. I dreamt that I was at the bottom of a ladder in a submarine (?). I was asking if I could come up. I was told I could. Someone with me said, “Be careful. They don’t let just anyone up” as if I might not be able … Continue reading Blurry


I asked, “Should I / Am I supposed to leave this house?” I dreamt that I put in a video to watch, above my head, somewhere in a public place, about taxes (?). I was saying loudly, at the video as if they could hear me, that it was a conflict of interest when / if someone has worked for the company before. I dreamt that a girl wanted to take a chocolate shower. I was thinking it would be ok because the water would rinse off the chocolate. I dreamt that I was going to sleep in the addition … Continue reading Conflict


I asked the same question. I dreamt of a lady who had recently died on a neighborhood street (car?). She was still there, surrounded by the authorities when I got there. There were a couple other recent deaths on this street before this one, one of which was the day before. I dreamt (or was told) about two people who had no business being together. I dreamt of reading something. (From Aug. 26, 2018 Expired) I dreamt of Alan Alda and Wayne Rogers were wearing doctor coats, holding onto pipes / poles, trying to be funny.  I dreamt that Ali … Continue reading Together