
I asked, “What is the symbolism of the Mexican neighbors?” I dreamt of a little girl looking at a roll of blueprints. I dreamt of being outside of a restaurant that looked like it was closed but it had an open sign. I went in. A lady asked a question. I knew that it was a trap. I came here later with mom and warned her. Later, this lady had a double-sided crystal pyramid. I dreamt of hiding in a corner under an afghan/blanket hoping no one would find me but someone did. I dreamt of getting deliveries. (From March … Continue reading Delivery


I asked, “What is the symbolism of the 1700?” I dreamt of crossing my arms over my naked breasts. I dreamt of being somewhere with Briana with a group of people sitting at school desks. I couldn’t find my stuff. She had a couple of special coins on the floor that I picked up. She had another one. I said that I would trade coins with her. There was a coin that broke in half. It had a man on it. I thought the date was from a couple of centuries ago. Inside a centuries old small salvaged ship a … Continue reading Certificate

Roam Free

I asked, ”What is the meaning of the 1700?” I dreamt that everyone had to get covid tested. I was with a first group of people in a white glass area, like in/at a hospital. The only way to leave was to get tested. I was adamant not to be but I also became the last person in the group to be there frantically looking for another way out. Not finding one I submitted and went through the doors. I came out clean. My family was also there. They came out clean also. A guy said that some people believe … Continue reading Roam Free

Buying It

I asked, “What is the meaning of the Mexican neighbors?” I dreamt that I was in a small town that was maybe (?) a mile long. There was something about me being on a skateboard. I’m hoping people don’t think I know how to ride because I’m still learning. I was at a shopping center/mall inside a restaurant (?) with a friend. We were sitting. The mother of my friend showed up and sat across the aisle from me. I told her that she looks like someone (meaning her daughter). After looking at her for a while longer I thought … Continue reading Buying It


I asked, “What is the symbolism of the famous city?” I dreamt that I was in Australia in the evening. I didn’t feel any heat. I was thinking about the Stoker’s coming here for their mission. I saw about 4 big rigs, within a row of them, on the freeway going to the right. They were a short distance from me. The freeway curved a little out to the left before coming back. The 4 I saw were moving as if they were motorcycles leaning side to side and having fun with it. I was concerned that they would tip … Continue reading Mission

Showed Up

I asked, “What is the meaning of the famous city?” I dreamt that a family across the street moved and then put the house on fire. It only burned halfway. The fireplace even wouldn’t keep a fire. They came back to see the damage. They went inside the kitchen. The mother and a daughter were gathering all of the huge jars of pickles that only had a handful of them and putting them together. I tasted one and it had a weird taste. The mother said that they were 6 years old. I dreamt that I was with a group … Continue reading Showed Up

Claim It

I asked, “What famous city?” I dreamt that I was in my bed at night with a young Steve in the bed on my left. He came with a thick down quilted grayish sleeping bag and a white blanket which he laid over both of us. The light switch was in front of his bed by the door. He had left the lights on so I told him to turn them off. I dreamt that I was on a bus with mom and a coworker of hers with some other people that they knew. We had to stop a couple … Continue reading Claim It


I asked, “What is the symbolism of the dream with the deer?” I dreamt of being with a couple of people in a cabin. A man was telling me something about survival. I dreamt of a guy working out in his front yard. I asked him if people used to drive up on his driveway. Smiling, he said yes. I dreamt that Amy left all the back doors open even knowing the dangers around. I saw the neighborhood b&w cat sitting a short distance away looking at me. There was a short bush in front of her. I smiled at … Continue reading Survival


I asked, “What is the meaning of the dream with the deer?” I dreamt of a person on TikTok who was claiming a dog that they had was theirs but wasn’t. I dreamt that someone pointed out that “It (scriptures?) says, Mary….Mary….Authentic Mary.” I dreamt that I was at the Waterman church building. I was wearing a white silk/nylon top and my mesh garment bottoms. I wasn’t worried about not being covered because that’s how people walk around these days. I was watching a volleyball game with a handful of people. There were two gay men wearing white and holding … Continue reading Covered