When Am I Going to Need This?

(From Jan. 20, 2014) I overheard Judy complaining to someone about me. One of the things she said / accused me of, was that I laugh like my mom. A little later, I was near her, and my mom (?), and said, above a whisper, but but not regular, that I don’t laugh like her. She didn’t respond / acknowledge, so I don’t know if she heard.  (From Jan. 21, 2014) I was tagging / thinking of tags to use, on a post of the Beatles (with a black background), on tumblr.  (From Jan. 22, 2014) I was wanting to … Continue reading When Am I Going to Need This?


(From Dec. 30, 2014 Ali’s dream) There were two police impersonators here who wanted to handcuff Ali. We were telling them that they can’t do this. Ali asked where their badges were. I said something about having them on video. They left, and we were going to report them. I said that I needed to get one of my shoes.  (From Jan. 3, 2014 Ali’s dream) I was bowling, up on a stage of a huge arena. My sisters were there, wanting to participate. I told them, being bossy, that they had to be in shape, giving them time limits … Continue reading Impersonators


(From Dec. 26, 2014) Russian (From Dec. 28, 2014) (Night before I asked what do I do to support myself) There was a bumpy hill in the backyard, the house being at the top. There was a tabby cat, on the left, lying on its back with the head upside down, and then turned to look at me. Amy was there, and I told her that she should see Ali with the tiger (with black stripes). There was an industrial looking fan, with a space between the blades, and edges. I was putting / dropping down gold coins through, and … Continue reading Russian


(From Dec. 7, 2014) Night before, there was a protest / demonstration, and I asked why I experienced it. I see the right side of a rainbow with black borders, and a black line in between, every two colors (I only saw 6). There is another one in front of it, moving to the right. I’m telling my mom, who is sitting at the table, so she’ll come look, but doesn’t. I tell her that I had taken a picture of a previous one. (Ali’s dream) We were in a line with thousands of people. Obead asked Ali if he … Continue reading Rainbow

Feel the Empty Space

(Night before I asked why I was called “The Mother”) A guy was cozying up with me, talking with me. I realized that I hadn’t brushed my teeth yet, but didn’t worry too much about it since he didn’t seem to notice / be affected by it. Someone, Ali ?, mentioned that I hadn’t brushed my teeth, so I told him that I had been chewing (minty) gum. My top left tooth, next to my “fang”, came out. I was looking behind it, where there was some of my gums (normal, supposed to be there), to figure out why it … Continue reading Feel the Empty Space

What Is, Is

My top left tooth, next to my “fang”, came out. I was initially worried about someone (Ali?) seeing me this way, assuming this was the start of losing my teeth from getting older, but soon shrugged it off, thinking, what is, is. (From Nov. 14, 2014 Ali’s dream) He opened the door, to go out to do something. I told him to close it, because people steal. I kept after him to be more aware of security. He said he was only going to be a couple of minutes. When he got back, most of his things were gone. I … Continue reading What Is, Is


I was in a small pool (murky water?) with two other girls. A soak went below the surface. I wanted to get it before it did so, but wasn’t able to. One of the girls undid the tie to my bathing suit /bikini (don’t know which it was), then brought the top down enough to show my breasts. I was worried that she would see my little bit of (blonde) chest hair. She didn’t say anything, and didn’t act as if something was out of the ordinary. She told me to slap my breasts against the water. I told her … Continue reading Zombies

The Mother

I am standing between benches, turned toward the back, in the chapel of the church, on the right side, speaking with someone. I am wearing an empire waist dress, blue / sea green(?) coloring, maybe some tiny flowers(?). My hair is dark brown / black, but looks natural. I have added some pounds (10-15/20). A tall, big man walks in at the back. He sees me, and walks to the left toward a lady, to ask about me. Jovially / happily, she says, “Oh, the Mother”, and brings him to me, which by now I’m near the front on the … Continue reading The Mother

Get Rid of Outsourcers

Get rid of outsourcers Dr. J had become a doctor after basketball, but was now retired. Things were going smooth with Judy, and I, then something happened, and we got into a verbal fight. Coley had a pasta noodle going across his top teeth. I wondered why Amy didn’t tell him / say something. I was sitting at the end of the table, waiting for dinner. Coley sitting to my left. Amy leaned over me, her chest in my face (I was leaning back to my left), giving Coley some food / drink. In front of Ali, I walked naked … Continue reading Get Rid of Outsourcers

Forgot His Mission

The top part of my right big toe was chopped off, not knowing how. There was no blood. I wanted to get to the hospital to get it put back on. My family wasn’t worried / concerned, doing their own thing(s). Somehow my lower right leg was in some black, thick, mushy stuff. I freaked out (in mind?), thinking it was tar, worrying how it was going to be taken off. I soon then realized that it was mud, and was coming off. I worried how it would affect my toe, but nothing happened. (From Oct. 16, 2014) I’m at … Continue reading Forgot His Mission