City In My Journal

I asked, ”Where do I need to be?” I dreamt that I had written down a name of a city in my journal so I didn’t focus on it to remember it. It started with a J. There was another city with a similar spelling called ”Kutuna” . I dreamt about cookies. There were some dark chocolate cutout ones that I grabbed. There was someone there who wasn’t too pleased about that. I dreamt something about watching a piece of flat land in Indonesia (?). A hand went over it and a house popped up like a pop up book. … Continue reading City In My Journal


I asked, “What is the meaning of the brainwaves?” I saw someone handing me my newborn baby named Sarah. I dreamt that there were people inside the house who had taken it over. Everyone was outside. I’m in the garage with some. The door is open. It’s dark outside. Someone comes over. I tell them the situation and to call the police. I walk outside and the sky is filled with helicopters in rows. It looks like a movie is being made. I say that it’s impossible for so many to be here. There’s not enough room. Someone shoots a … Continue reading Missile


I asked, “Will reprogramming my mind get rid of her (Utah girl)?” I dreamt something about hearing that Mormons like to eat hard boiled/deviled eggs. I was seeing a stack of hollowed out yolks that were cut in half lengthwise. One of them had an alien face. The eyes were sideways rhombus as if in a grin. I dreamt that I was sitting by a pool with clear water. I was thinking that this may be the earliest I had ever gotten up. I dreamt that I was sitting at a table with a group of people. A lady was … Continue reading Loan

Mi Casa

I asked, “Where do I need to be?” I dreamt that I saw a guy walking with crutches in the backyard of the house. I went to tell Kyle. I then saw that it was only a reflection so I then told Kyle that. This guy was then in front of us. Kyle was sitting on my left (because of his health). He wasn’t there physically, but like a hologram. I moved my left hand through him but nothing was there. He was wanting money/clothes. We gave it to him. A couple other people then showed up requesting the same. … Continue reading Mi Casa

Give It To Him

I asked, “When do Ali & I need to start having children?” I dreamt that Zach (Home Improvement) / Steve was sitting with his legs stretched out on his bed that was in the top right corner diagonally. There was a person on either side of him. I was standing at the end of the bed holding his light blue polyester shorts (like coaches wear). I asked him why he likes them. He said it was because they’re soft. The tag said Norway on them. I was tired and exhausted when I left. There was something about a boy eating … Continue reading Give It To Him

Wake Him Up

I asked, “What are the children waiting for to be born?” I dreamt that dad was sleepwalking in the dark/at night. I was talking to him, trying to wake him up. I dreamt that I was driving in the dark/at night and needed to make a right turn so I turned real slow. There was something about cuckold something (movie?). I dreamt something Kelly had become a police officer and had no trouble giving orders, knowing that she had to when it was needed. She was giving orders to several teenagers, all in fun. I dreamt that I was pushing/throwing … Continue reading Wake Him Up


I asked, ” Why was the whale inside the dead fish?” I dreamt that mom & me slept in front of a burial wall/wall burial and with a blanket and were now getting up. (I think that’s what happened.) I dreamt that I was on a bus with (some of) the family. I don’t know/remember where we were going. We were in the mountains. I was in the back looking to the left, and then the back, as we were passing a train museum. Greg was next to me. The building had a long row of windows in front showing … Continue reading Burial


I asked, “What is the meaning of the scene in the pond?” I dreamt that I was standing behind and to the left of Sowin. He didn’t have a shirt on. He had a little bit of hair on the sides of his back. His skin may have been darker. He had on black pants that were mid chest high. He was standing to the left of another guy on a small stage. I didn’t see anything else. He started singing in Farsi (?) and then English. He may have had a guitar. I then walked to the front of … Continue reading Delivery


I asked, “What is the meaning of the neck tattoo?” I dreamt that I was on a small bus/delivery truck with other women. We were coming back from somewhere. The driver was a young black female who worked at Bank of America. I had several different checks that I wanted cashed so I asked her if I could, counting them out in front of her. It came to over $50 but below $100. She was looking through them with her head down as the vehicle was still moving, knowing where to go. We parked in a shopping center where the … Continue reading Girl


I asked, “Do all of the adult children have the same father?” I dreamt that I was on a hospital bed with casts on both legs. I was in an open space (?) of a hospital (?). A doctor, and a couple other people, came to see me. They were acting like comedians but I thought they were overdoing it and I wasn’t laughing. I was supposed to have surgery but it turned out that I no longer needed it. As the left cast was about to be cut, I was anxious because of a previous experience I had when … Continue reading Connection