
I debated on whether to start this, or not. I finally decided to post my dreams, thinking perhaps they could be of use to others.  Obviously, if I don’t remember, I won’t post. But also, if I do remember, but don’t know how to explain, I won’t post that dream, but will post others I have had. A site that may be of help in interpreting dreams id the work of David Dribble at New DreamWork. I have found it fascinating, and some dreams  I have done some work on (at this time, some I’m too scared to interpret). I would highly recommend a look.

Earlier this month (August 2013) I started sungazing. I haven’t been doing consecutively day after day, but when I do, I have noticed that my dreams are more vivid, and are more in a story form. I would suggest trying it out, and see how your dreams start to change.

The end of the dream is the solution. The beginning is the problem, and the middle is all the stuff you are working through to get there.

(Sept 16, 2019)

Cubing is useful for quickly exploring a writing topic, probing it from six different perspectives. It is known as cubing because a cube has six sides. These are the six perspectives in cubing:
Describing: What does your subject look like? What size is it? What is its color? Its shape? Its texture? Name its parts.
Comparing: What is your subject similar to? Different from?
Associating: What does your subject make you think of? What connections does it have to anything else in your experience?
Analyzing: What are the origins of your subject? What are the functions or significance of its parts? How are its parts related?
Applying: What can you do with your subject? What uses does it have? Arguing: What arguments can you make for your subject? Against it?

Here are some guidelines to help you use cubing productively.
1. Select a topic, subject, or part of a subject. This can be a person, a scene, an event, an object, a problem, an idea, or an issue. Hold it in focus.
2. Limit your writing to three to five minutes for each perspective. The whole activity should take no more than half an hour.
3. Keep going until you have written about your subject from all six perspectives. Remember that cubing offers the special advantage of enabling you to generate multiple perspectives quickly.
4. As you write from each perspective, begin with what you know about your subject. However, do not limit yourself to your present knowledge. Indicate what else you would like to know about your subject, and suggest where you might find that information.
5. Reread what you have written. Look for bright spots, surprises. Recall the part that was easiest for you to write. Recall the part where you felt a special momentum and pleasure in writing. Look for an angle or an unexpected insight. These special parts may suggest a focus or topic within a larger subject, or they may provide specific details to include in a draft.

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