Still Alive

I dreamt that dad was driving us home on a route that always scared me because there was a part of the road that was steep going down. I dreamt that I was in a dug out tightly compacted dirt square with a white dog who was just lying there in front of me. There may have been a small section in the left top corner that was wet. Ali was standing above on the left top corner with a shovel. He had picked up the dog. I told him that the dog was still alive. He slightly threw up … Continue reading Still Alive

Accepted It

I dreamt that there was a pile of dead people on top of the only survivor, who was looking out. I dreamt that the orange and white cat was back (he passed Dec. 23) and at first it threw me off but then I accepted it. (From Oct. 24, 2019) Playing I saw a young Mexican couple with their two young children, boy & girl, who were playing. I dreamt of an insect, bigger than a bee, flying around. There were some of those windows that are in strips, that look similar to blinds, that were open in front of … Continue reading Accepted It


I dreamt that a young Steve dropped a short distance through some things that were close together with a hole in the middle. I was worried that he died because he hit his head and then bent over at his neck but he survived. I dreamt that I was with someone who was driving through an entrance to exit. I was worried that someone might show who wanted to enter. (From Oct. 28, 2019) Pay For It I dreamt that I was out in the living room after feeding the cats then sitting at the table. I heard a man … Continue reading Survived

Start Another Fire

I asked, “What am I not doing that I need to do to get rid of that (Utah) girl?” I dreamt that someone had set fire at night to the tall grass in the front yard which was now glowing embers. I raced to wake and tell my mom and dad. I then decided to hose it down while I was waiting for them. Someone (else?) was trying to start another fire. (From yesterday) Pick It Up I asked the same question. I dreamt that I was buying dust/powdered paint in 4 different colors. Two of them were similar color. … Continue reading Start Another Fire

Cleaning It Up

I dreamt that I was getting up from bed with Kyle on my right. Someone dropped small pieces of food (corn?) on the bed by the pillows. I was cleaning it up. I dreamt of being outside (?) and needing to get Kyle’s black loafer shoes that were on the ground a short distance in front of us. I dreamt that new sandals were already coming apart with some of the twine (?) straps coming out/disappearing. I dreamt that I was driving slowly in front of a brown strip mall that was shaped like a “C”. I was at the … Continue reading Cleaning It Up

Wasn’t Much Left

I dreamt that I was standing in the bathroom and inserting a tampon, having a little fun with it first. Thinking of Ali, I think I told someone who was there that I didn’t know why I was using it since there wasn’t much left. I dreamt that he had something in the garage for me and wanted me to go with him to look. I dreamt that while I was looking at the black neighborhood cat outside, I was thinking that if there are any new cats who come around that they will stay outside so that I won’t … Continue reading Wasn’t Much Left

Boy In Water

I dreamt that a guy killed himself but it was a good thing. There was something about a boy in water. There was a term used and the definition was told to me but I don’t remember them. I dreamt that I was sitting in a circle with Kyle and others. We were having a good time. I think Kyle brought me here to see. (From Nov. 4, 2019) Found I dreamt that I was in a smoke filled room with someone frantically trying to get a door open to get out. I dreamt that the orange cat had either … Continue reading Boy In Water

Get A Kitten

I dreamt that I was flying in the air with Steve, some Mexican/Hispanic women, and I think Christina Anstead (HGTV Flip or Flop). We weren’t in an airplane. Whatever it was was either a circular shape or more like a blimp. It had several stories to it. At one point, Christina had the top of her hair in two separate french braids. I then had my hair like that and started strutting around like my hair was better. I mentioned that this hairstyle was nothing new for me because I did all sorts of different things with my hair when … Continue reading Get A Kitten


I asked, “Will marrying Ali get rid of that (Utah) girl?” I dreamt that Amy was getting rid of her small purses, giving them to me. As I was looking through them I saw that there was a bunch of money in them. There were also several rolls of raffle tickets. I figured that I could use them when someone was having a raffle. There was also a short grandfather clock. It was bent but not broken. Amy crouched in pain from her stomach. (From yesterday) Keep Ball Rolling I asked the same question. I dreamt that I was playing … Continue reading Saw


I asked, ” Do I need to marry Ali to get rid of that (Utah) girl?” I dreamt that I was with Amy, Judy, and Steve. Amy and Judy were in front of me with Amy on the left of Judy. Amy kept pinching the bottom of Judy’s left breast. I don’t remember why. Irritated, Judy told her to stop. We were then at the top of a curved covered slide. Judy was at the entrance. I don’t remember what I did but Judy slid to the bottom and then accused me of pushing her. It was then my turn. … Continue reading Go