The Mother

I am standing between benches, turned toward the back, in the chapel of the church, on the right side, speaking with someone. I am wearing an empire waist dress, blue / sea green(?) coloring, maybe some tiny flowers(?). My hair is dark brown / black, but looks natural. I have added some pounds (10-15/20). A tall, big man walks in at the back. He sees me, and walks to the left toward a lady, to ask about me. Jovially / happily, she says, “Oh, the Mother”, and brings him to me, which by now I’m near the front on the … Continue reading The Mother

Get Rid of Outsourcers

Get rid of outsourcers Dr. J had become a doctor after basketball, but was now retired. Things were going smooth with Judy, and I, then something happened, and we got into a verbal fight. Coley had a pasta noodle going across his top teeth. I wondered why Amy didn’t tell him / say something. I was sitting at the end of the table, waiting for dinner. Coley sitting to my left. Amy leaned over me, her chest in my face (I was leaning back to my left), giving Coley some food / drink. In front of Ali, I walked naked … Continue reading Get Rid of Outsourcers

Forgot His Mission

The top part of my right big toe was chopped off, not knowing how. There was no blood. I wanted to get to the hospital to get it put back on. My family wasn’t worried / concerned, doing their own thing(s). Somehow my lower right leg was in some black, thick, mushy stuff. I freaked out (in mind?), thinking it was tar, worrying how it was going to be taken off. I soon then realized that it was mud, and was coming off. I worried how it would affect my toe, but nothing happened. (From Oct. 16, 2014) I’m at … Continue reading Forgot His Mission

It’s Hard

The word “consciousness” came to mind, then Ali told me that it’s hard. (From Oct. 12, 2014) The world was going to explode at a certain time, but it didn’t. Don’t know if because it wasn’t going to, or it wasn’t going to at the exact time, on the dot, that was expected. Greg, but not, looked like a Russian woman. He had gained about 30 pounds, which wasn’t noticeable from the back, and wearing a black dress with belt. He brought the belt up to his breasts. He had been asked to say a closing prayer (before the explosion … Continue reading It’s Hard

Scared To See

(Night before, I asked, what delivery went well?) I’m with someone, or several people, seeing a military plane (real skinny with long pointed nose) on a level area, pointing to the left, at the bottom, or near, of an ocean. It’s still in working order, the government having a military outpost here, so that they are close enough to the middle of the earth, so that they can send out a bomb, to the core, and blow up the earth. I mention that if I were to come upon this plane, while under water, I would be scared to see … Continue reading Scared To See

Delivery Went Well

I go back in time with a young woman, back to her house. I noticed a silver magnet on the fridge, worn by time. I can see that it says, “Blondes are (more?) intelligent / smart.” In another room, she is standing next to a lady, who is sitting, and has makeup on. She is looking at me, intently, and I’m thinking that she looks like another woman. (Ali’s dream) We are walking, and see different colored flowers. I point one out, and he says that it is crumpled, and dying. He then sees a red one, and brings it … Continue reading Delivery Went Well

Don’t Lose The Baby

I’m in the passenger side of a car. My dad is in back, needing to come up front, waiting for me to move, but I don’t. He ends up front anyhow. Somehow I have the brake pedal on my side. My dad drives fast, and I am amazed that I am able to slow the car down as he turns corners (right). We have come to a small hill, with a road on top. We wait for the cars to pass before driving up / joining them. Marie Osmond I have two plastic pieces to put together, but don’t have … Continue reading Don’t Lose The Baby

Nothing Is There

(Night before, I asked if we come from different planets, before birth.) The bathroom is in the hallway, and I see the door open. I walk over to use it. I see that Judy is on the toilet, straight in front of me. She doesn’t see me. I think it odd / strange that she would have / leave the door open. After a bit, I then see two guys messing around in the shower (nude?). The tub is filled with water, the floor is flooded, all of the hall carpet is soaked. There are other 20-somethings in the other … Continue reading Nothing Is There