Already Asked

I asked, ”What is the symbolism of the mountains?” I was with a guy in a warehouse (?). I don’t remember what we were doing or why we were there. He had previously given up his car, which was one of those special type of cars that people admire. I asked him if he was sorry to let it go and he said yes. I then realized that I had already asked him so I told him that I had already asked him. (From Dec 6, 2020) Ahead I asked the same question. I dreamt that I was taking the … Continue reading Already Asked


I asked, “What is the meaning of the brainwaves?” I saw someone handing me my newborn baby named Sarah. I dreamt that there were people inside the house who had taken it over. Everyone was outside. I’m in the garage with some. The door is open. It’s dark outside. Someone comes over. I tell them the situation and to call the police. I walk outside and the sky is filled with helicopters in rows. It looks like a movie is being made. I say that it’s impossible for so many to be here. There’s not enough room. Someone shoots a … Continue reading Missile

Going To

(I had a dream several years earlier of 4 adult children) I asked, “Is Ali the father of those adult children?” I dreamt of a white (?) snake going up my right arm. I was scared that it was going to bite me. I dreamt something about being in the ocean and a huge dead fish floating around me. I first saw the back of it with the head to the right then saw the face. There were some (small) people on top doing something (?). (From Feb. 15, 2020) Covered I asked the same question. I dreamt that I … Continue reading Going To

Send A Message

I asked, “What is the meaning of the shungite and obsidian cross?” I dreamt that it was night when Ali & I were walking toward a car that looked like my dad’s that was in a corner by itself. It was facing to the left. There may have been a fence on the passenger side. The hood, which opened by the windshield, was crumpled a bit. I put my stuff in back of the driver seat since I drove the car. There were several people walking from the right, having to go around some mispositioned/misaligned/positioned randomly concrete blocks. They mentioned … Continue reading Send A Message

Make A Structure

I dreamt that I was watching a preview of a movie about a boy who visits his girlfriend from another country (Asian?). The sun is setting. She is wearing a black bustier. He pulls the top down from her left breast to suck on it. This is her first time being sexual with him. I see a jolt of energy/electricity go through her. They are then sitting outside next to each other on a different day. There is a small space between them with her on the right. She is holding some of the letters she received from him. She … Continue reading Make A Structure

With Fire

I asked, “Will getting pregnant get rid of that (Utah) girl?’ I dreamt that I was in the backyard looking at the old man’s house on the left. The house was dark except for a section in the back where a door was slightly open. I was wondering if they were having an orgy with other people who were there but I didn’t want to look long enough to find out. I dreamt something about being in a pizza place and trying to get the attention of a female worker on my right behind the counter to let her know … Continue reading With Fire

Accepted It

I dreamt that there was a pile of dead people on top of the only survivor, who was looking out. I dreamt that the orange and white cat was back (he passed Dec. 23) and at first it threw me off but then I accepted it. (From Oct. 24, 2019) Playing I saw a young Mexican couple with their two young children, boy & girl, who were playing. I dreamt of an insect, bigger than a bee, flying around. There were some of those windows that are in strips, that look similar to blinds, that were open in front of … Continue reading Accepted It

Must Be Finished

I asked, “Is being a mother the next project?” I dreamt that I found out a girl bad been taking my mission newsletters all these years since I’ve been back. I took the one she was holding and she began to cry. I got so angry that I cursed at her and wanted to punch her but refrained. I then figured it doesn’t really matter now because I wouldn’t know/understand what’s going on. I dreamt that I was with Kyle, or someone similar, who was lying naked on the floor with his head to the right. I was looking at … Continue reading Must Be Finished


I dreamt that a young Steve dropped a short distance through some things that were close together with a hole in the middle. I was worried that he died because he hit his head and then bent over at his neck but he survived. I dreamt that I was with someone who was driving through an entrance to exit. I was worried that someone might show who wanted to enter. (From Oct. 28, 2019) Pay For It I dreamt that I was out in the living room after feeding the cats then sitting at the table. I heard a man … Continue reading Survived

Start Another Fire

I asked, “What am I not doing that I need to do to get rid of that (Utah) girl?” I dreamt that someone had set fire at night to the tall grass in the front yard which was now glowing embers. I raced to wake and tell my mom and dad. I then decided to hose it down while I was waiting for them. Someone (else?) was trying to start another fire. (From yesterday) Pick It Up I asked the same question. I dreamt that I was buying dust/powdered paint in 4 different colors. Two of them were similar color. … Continue reading Start Another Fire