The End

I asked, “What is the meaning of the fire?” I dreamt that Amy (?) had come to the house looking for mom.

I told her that she was at the house at the house at the end of the street a couple houses away with a lady who’s name starts with S.

I dreamt something about pillows.

(From Jan. 4, 2023) Previous

I asked the same question. I dreamt that Trudy was part of a previous project.

(From Jan. 3, 2023) Romantic

I asked the same question. I dreamt that I was upset at a doctor who advocated for the killing of babies and I told him so. He kept walking around as a regular person.

I dreamt (same?) that a man the size of a dwarf kissed a guy who was shorter. Not romantic but friendly.

He then kissed a guy who was taller. As before, not as romantic but friendly.

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