So Close

Back door is open, in the evening, and there’s a chance a man may come through and murder. The area by the door is dark. There are two people who were going to stay, but have found another place instead. Keeping the animals by the door for protection / sacrifice for us. The word Somalia. Cathy (from church), and I, are at a conference(?) in Dallas. It is over for the day. I find out that Cathy has turned gay, and her partner is Esther (ex-coworker). They haven’t seen each other for a while, and so they go back to … Continue reading So Close

Why Am I Doing This?

Owner of home is letting newspapers collect on front lawn, six of which are out of the plastic, in two rows of three side-by-side, lying flat. Sprinklers come on, getting all of them wet. I am in the Middle East. The men, and women, are able to be together. I am thinking how it wouldn’t / didn’t make sense to have them separated. People are sitting at desks (think school) next to each other, or front to front. I kept getting up and walking over to the desks to go check on something. Eventually, after doing this several times, I … Continue reading Why Am I Doing This?