
I asked, “What is the meaning of the scorpion?” I dreamt that there was going to be a wedding and shouldn’t wait for family because they bring a whole different energy.

I dreamt that I put my right fingers in the butt of a guy who was on his stomach, and slowly moving them around.

(Dec 21, 2017 Trial)

I dreamt something about going to / through a modern black house as a trial run. 

(From Dec 20, 2017 In The Shadows)

I dreamt that I was hiding from someone, but don’t remember who. Then I was in a bedroom, in the shadows from the sun shining in. I don’t remember what I was doing.

Kyle was then at the window, wanting me to show myself. I didn’t want to just yet. He was getting angry at me, but it didn’t bother me. My head shadow accidentally appeared out of the shadows, but I quickly moved back in.

Kyle was then gone, and a young blonde LDS cop climbed up a ladder to the window to check if I was ok. I told him that I was ok, and that it hadn’t gotten to the point of having to take Kyle away. He is now sitting at the end of the bed with me.

I only have my garments on. He is telling my mom (?) that he’ll take care of me, meaning marriage. He tickles me between the legs for a few seconds. I become conscious of the hair on my chest, and breasts, and cover them up with my arms after pulling my garment top up.

I dreamt that I’m in a car with someone. I realize that we’re going to Utah. I’m worried because I didn’t know, and so didn’t bring anything, and worried about how I was going to take care of my hair on my face. The young cop then shows up. I tell him that I didn’t bring anything, and he says that he’ll take care of it.

I dreamt that Bart drove me to Utah in a blue Mini Cooper. It took him only about 30 minutes. When we were driving along the rocks / hills / mountains, he had a song turned up. I don’t remember what it was. I was sitting behind the passenger seat and thinking that the people in the other cars should be able to hear, and wondering why they don’t.

When we got to Utah, the road then became flooded. There was a lady, and I asked / said something to her about it. I don’t remember what I said, how / what she responded. 

Before (?) we got to that point, there was a young man driving an ’80’s grey / blue Cadillac. He had dark hair, and perhaps a goatee (?). He came around a corner on the left, fast, and bumped the brake light. Bart gave no attention to him, so he drove away to the right. His intentions are to get people’s information by causing “accidents”.

I questioned the people, in the car, making sure that I had my stuff, and they agreed that I did. I was prepared this time, but for what? 

After Bart brought me to Utah, he disappeared, assuming family would take care of me. 

I saw a printing of an article (?) praising this young man on the good he does, with a picture of him. When we got to Utah, where I saw this, I saw the cop again, and told him the real intentions of this guy. I wasn’t sure if I would recognize him, but as he got closer, his strong features assured me that I did recognise him.

I dreamt something about ghosts, and not being able to get to them because of being fenced in.

I dreamt that I was at (a) church in Utah, in one of the rooms. One with an accordion divider? There were three young women (blonde?), each with their own white trash bag. 

They were going to go through trash and keep what they liked. I told them, “Whatever floats your boat.” Someone said that this is what the dairy girls do on the farm.

I dreamt of an older knowing woman ghost, wearing a shirt that says, “Film the crew.” There was something else written.

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